The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Those 2012 Election Numbers – I Think An Apology Is Owed To Sarah Palin…

To all US Republicans – here is your statistics assignment for today

Obama/Biden 69,456,897
McCain/Palin 59,934,814

Obama/Biden 58,702,702
Romney/Ryan 56,455,982

Some useful information

In 2008 the Republican president was extremely unpopular, there was a financial crash, a worrying war and a media pushing two narratives – the possibility of wiping away the scars of racism by electing a black president and an orchestrated demonisation of the GOP VP candidate with lies and sexist insults.

In 2012 the economy was still broken, the worrying war was still simmering away and the Democratic administration was racked with scandals. The Republican candidates were clean cut, inoffensive and apparently competent politicians completely acceptable to the GOP establishment and the media.

( Note -you might find this extremely helpful)

Your task

Explain why the 2012 Republican ticket lost the election and got three and a half million fewer votes than the 2008 ticket
Please send your answers, accompanied with your apologies, to a certain lady in Wasilla, Alaska.

Thank you

posted by david in USA Politics and have Comment (1)

One Response to “Those 2012 Election Numbers – I Think An Apology Is Owed To Sarah Palin…”

  1. […] This is great. Our old friend, The Aged P, nails it: In 2008 the Republican president was extremely unpopular, there was a financial crash, a […]


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