The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Did The Telegraph Drive Andy Murray To Support “Yes”?

I don’t usually have much time for Andy Murray’s views on anything outside tennis but I have to admit that his last minute tweet in favour of Scottish independence did resonate with me.

Huge day for Scotland today! no campaign negativity last few days totally swayed my view on it. excited to see the outcome. lets do this!

The Telegraph was naturally very sniffy about this – perhaps because the paper’s coverage of the referendum campaign over the last few weeks has been one never ending barrage of negativity against the Yes campaign

I do not deny the right of the DT to have an editorial stance – what I have found disturbing is their refusal to provide much in terms of column inches for supporters of independence. Instead hack after hack has been wheeled out to blather on and on about the evils of Salmond and the SNP. Any organ that aspires to be above the level of a tabloid ought to give some room to both sides of the argument. I don’t expect an even balance but it is clear that, at the very least, a substantial minority of Scots support independence. To demonise them as simpletons being manipulated by a sinister cult leadership which is distracting them from the benefits of this mystic “union” is hardly the stuff of quality “journalism”. There is a case for independence and any organ that has pretensions to intelligent analysis ought to treat it with a certain degree of respect.. Instead the Telegraph’s tone has been shrill, hysterical and as one sided as any series of articles in the Volkischer Beobachter…

Worst of all it is the voice of a particularly patronising element of the Home Counties middle class which still perceives Scotland through the lens of Walter Scott culminating in an endless parade of Burns night dinners where Reigate golfers and their wives pretend to be striding through some heather strewn glen, waxing lyrical about a place very few of them would ever visit.

But for me the clincher was the DT’s attempt to trump Murray’s declaration with a list of those “celebrities” who are campaigning for a No…..

More than 200 famous names, including rockers Sir Paul McCartney, Sting and Mick Jagger; composer Andrew Lloyd Webber; comedian Eddie Izzard; model Stella Tenant; actresses Helena Bonham-Carter and Dame Judi Dench, Simon Cowell, and Stephen Hawking signed a letter urging Scotland to stay in the union.

I rest my case…..

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Obama Sends Plagiarist Biden To UK To Tell Us EU Is Wonderful…..


Obama must be worried about David Cameron’s decision to hold an in/out referendum on UK’s membership of the EU – he is sending VP Joe Biden to London to issue a stern warning.


Joe Biden – the man who proves that getting into politics is a better way of making a family fortune than developing software or building a supermarket chain… risks, minimal effort and zero intelligence needed – just the right contacts.

Biden will apparently wag his finger at Cameron and emphasise how important it is for the USA to have a strong UK in a strong EU – that’s if he can get all those letters in the right order for Biden is the American version of John Prescott, a dim-witted blowhard who has risen to the top powered purely by his own methane.

Of course if he had been a Republican he would have been Dan Quayled years ago but we all know that a complicit US media never goes against Democrats who are also drunks, druggies, thieves , sexual predators…..or, in Joe’s case, brainless.
After all this is the man who plagiarised a speech from ……Neil Kinnock!!!!!

What a wonderful world……

posted by david in EU,UK,USA and have Comments Off on Obama Sends Plagiarist Biden To UK To Tell Us EU Is Wonderful…..

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