The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Exclusively White Pundits At Telegraph/Spectator Tell Us To Celebrate Diversity

Scribblers at the Daily Telegraph and The Spectator (both owned by the Barclay Brothers) have made much of the recent Policy Exchange report which predicts that Britain’s non white population (currently 14%) will be 30% by 2050. They use the report to knock UKIP (quelle surprise) and chatter on about “diversity”

Strange how all these Speccie/DT scribblers celebrate “diversity” and tell us how good it is for those of us who make up  the great unwashed – yet there is very little evidence of “diversity” in the ranks of the scribblers themselves. They are almost universally white and could hardly be described as multi ethnic (but I suspect their cleaners, nannies and gardeners are…..)

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