The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Boris…..A Buffoon When Compared To Cameron? Osborne? Milliband?….LOL….

Much talk this week about London Mayor Boris Johnson’s impact on the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham and speculation about a possible tilt at the leadership some time in the future.

Prime Minister David Cameron is playing a dual game on this. “Friends” are saying that Cameron is extremely “relaxed” about Boris while other political and media surrogates are peddling the line of Boris being great for a laugh but being essentially a “buffoon” no real substance.

Looking at our current collection of so called political “leaders” at present – Cameron, Osborne, Clegg, Milliband, Balls – one might be tempted to paraphrase George II’s alleged remark about General James Wolfe…

“Buffoon is he? Then I hope he will bite some of my other politicians”…….

posted by david in UK Politics and have Comments Off on Boris…..A Buffoon When Compared To Cameron? Osborne? Milliband?….LOL….

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