The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Hua Shan Plank Walk – 20 Inches Wide Overlooking A Gorge 3,000 Ft Below..

Hua Shan is a mountain in the Shaanxi Province of China, about 120 kilometres east of the city of Xi’an and is more than 2000 metres in height. Cut into the side of the mountain and overlooking a deep gorge is a pathway made up of three planks laid on top of iron bolts drilled into the rockface.

Walking along the planks, even with a safety harness, is terrifying but, if you fancy an adrenalin rush, this is the path to travel…..

The first view of the only 0.3 metres wide planks was simply and quite literally breathtaking: The half-rotten planks lay on some iron bolts that were drilled into the mountain every five meters or so and were held together by a few rusty nails. Walking onto the planks leaves you with nothing below you for at least a 1000 meters……………………………………… I am not sure how dangerous the walk actually is, but all three of us were holding on for dear life and walking ever so slowly, making sure we did not slip or let go of the handrail (unless we had to clip the harness into the next section).

Suggestion….cut the annoying music on the vid..

posted by david in Asia,China,Outdoors,Travel and have Comments Off on Hua Shan Plank Walk – 20 Inches Wide Overlooking A Gorge 3,000 Ft Below..

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