The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

The Arrogance Of Youth v The Wisdom Of Old Age….

A rather precocious university student was irritated when the very old man sitting next to him on a bus asked him if he could possibly lower his voice while he was chatting to friends on his mobile phone. So he took it upon himself to point out why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.

“You grew up in a different world, actually almost a primitive one”, he said in a voice loud enough for many nearby to hear. “We, the young people of today live life in the fast lane, we’ve grown up with computers, kidney transplants, space travel, mobile phones and stuff like that”

The very old man looked at the student but said nothing as the bus came to a stop. He got up from his seat to leave the bus then paused and turned back to the student and nodded.

“You know, son, you’re right. We didn’t have those things when we were young… so we f—— invented them. Now, you arrogant little sh–, what are YOU doing for the next generation?”

Then he got off the bus……

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