The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Palin Should Have Used The Deckchair Ploy That Has Saved So Many Conservatives….

Sadly it appears that Allahpundit at Hot Air has finally come to the conclusion that Palin is toast. (see Allahpundit “Palin is toast” post #143) As he helpfully points out when you lose the support of such red hot Palinistas as Krauthammer, Gillespie and GOP “strategists” then your days are numbered. Even over here the creepy but incredibly influential Alex Massie (“we always read Alex Massie before we clear the dogs mess in the garden” says Mrs G of Pimlico) has to admit that only her hardcore supporters would ever vote for her now.

They are implying that she should really have adopted the deckchair ploy (“under pressure fold like a deckchair”) that has enabled so many conservative politicians on both sides of the pond to gain the approval of the chattering classes and their mouthpieces in the elite media. But her refusal to either keep quiet or accept some partial responsibility for the Tucson shootings means that she can never now attend a social event in New York, Washington or Los Angeles and be welcomed with open arms and thus be immune from obeying well established rules on a commercial flight.

That is such a pity because the initial reaction to her Facebook video response from Ed Morrissey and Hot Air readers, including many of those traditionally critical of Palin, was extremely positive. But clearly, just like British Communist Party members in 1939 when Moscow signed the Nazi/Soviet Pact, they must now obey the orders of their overlords and perform a political about turn.

Yes – Palin is toast, once again…….

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