The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….


Remember over the last few months when all the pundits, strategists, consultants and RNC  hacks were busy giving Governor Palin advice about what moves she should make if she wanted to return to the political stage?

Well I’m pleased to say she totally ignored them and decided to do it her way – the Palin way…and guess what – it has worked to perfection. Interestingly enough SamHenry at ON MY WATCH agrees.

Sarah Palin’s timing and strategy should be in a required reading political text: “Palin on Politics – How to time it; how to move in the political and media morass.”

Now, in a time of deep distress and uncertainty in our nation, Sarah Palin is a beacon of survival and of creative self-initiative. She is now the master-in-chief of her image and her message. She is now poised at the brink of, well, her next strategic, well-timed move.  The suspense builds; the speculation continues – Sarah, what a success you are and on YOUR terms!

Read the rest here including a perceptive analysis of how she controlled Oprah and how she has managed to align herself alongside the Tea Party movement without sacrificing her own freedom of manoeuvre.

I know she is a runner and a hunter but I am not so sure I would want to play chess with the Cuda…

cross posted at C4P

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