The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Most Of Our Leading Politicians Are Parasites Who Have Never Had A Proper Job In Their Lives…

Nigel Farage on why our political elite simply do not have a clue….

Did you ever think that our political leaders have no real idea how most people live and lack experience in the real world? That they’re just college kids?

There are 61 members of the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet today. Only 11 of them have any experience of working in the private sector. Mostly for less than five years. Over 24 have never had a proper job at all and a further 20 have worked for political lobbyists or campaign groups.

We’d be better off with a parliament that really reflected our society. We might even get some common sense then. In future we should think about who we vote for more carefully.

posted by david in UK Politics and have Comment (1)

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