The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Joe Scarborough Knew Who The Aurora Shooter Was Even Before He Was Charged – What Would Lori Klausutis Have Said About That?

Joe Scarborough goes Sherlock Holmes Plus over Aurora shooting – he doesn’t need evidence because he obviously has X ray specs and inner vision…

“You don’t want to generalize,” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said today before saying that James Holmes, the suspected Aurora, Colo., shooter, was “on the autism scale.”
“As soon as I hear about this shooting, I knew who it was. I knew it was a young, white male, probably from an affluent neighborhood, disconnected from society — it happens time and time again. Most of it has to do with mental health; you have these people that are somewhere, I believe, on the autism scale,” said Scarborough, whose son has Asperger’s syndrome. “I don’t know if that’s the case here, but it happens more often than not. People that can walk around in society, they can function on college campuses — they can even excel on college campuses — but are socially disconnected.

“As soon as I hear about this shooting, I knew who it was”

Of course Mr S would be quite familiar with uninformed speculation via inner vision..

On July 20, 2001, at 8:10 AM, the body of Lori Klausutis was discovered on the floor of the North Fort Walton Beach office of retiring Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough of Florida.
One might have expected an intensive investigation but the medical examiner is the referee in the investigation of suspicious deaths. He concluded the death is accidental, and the investigation stopped.
However, It seems unlikely that a 29 year old girl could fracture her skull from a fall in an office.

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