The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

UK PM Cameron Kicks Obama’s Ankle – With A Smile On His Face…

Well remember you heard it here first (I am always modest….lol…)

David Cameron will defend his decision to slash Government spending as he meets US President Barack Obama for one-on-one talks on the fringe of the G8 summit in Canada.

Publicly, of course, the mood music is all sweetness and light between Cameron and Obama but, behind the scenes the President must be a little irritated – especially as, for once, he appears to be at the receiving end of a sideswiping homily

While countries with a budget surplus, like China, need to stimulate domestic demand, nations with large deficits need to restore confidence by “living within their means”, said the PM.

“The risk to us – and the Americans and others recognise this – is not taking action,” said Mr Cameron. “I think that the G8 will actually conclude that those countries with the worst problems need to accelerate their action, which is what we have done.

Then another twist of the knife in this article for the Toronto Globe and Mail where he hammers home the point of rebuilding the global economy through getting national national finances under control and ( another poke in the eye for Team Obama’s conception of stimulus) encouraging free trade not spooning out pork to special interests…

Third, we must continue to press for the real stimulus that our economies need: trade. Trade is the greatest wealth-creator ever known. It has lifted billions out of poverty.

Memo to the US right blogosphere – second look at Cameron?

posted by david in Uncategorized and have Comment (1)

One Response to “UK PM Cameron Kicks Obama’s Ankle – With A Smile On His Face…”

  1. tvguy says:

    Excellent post thanks!

    Sent from my Android phone


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