The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Be Careful When Playing Chess with Sarah Palin…says HuffPo?

A bulb just switched on at HuffPo, thanks to Joan Williams.

Williams is an out and out Obama supporter but she deserves a tip of the hat because, though not sharing Governor Palin’s politics she has considerable respect for her as a politician.

Addressing the Tea Party, Sarah Palin wrote three notes on her hand: “Energy, Taxes, Lift American Spirits.” Why? She already had notes in front of her on the podium. Surely she could remember three simple themes. Why write notes on her hand?
Here’s my take on why: she knew that they would be visible when she gave the speech. And she knew that she would be made fun of — as so stupid that she needs to write notes on her hand. And that’s one of her most effective tactics — to be made fun of. It’s an integral part of her strategy of standing in for hardworking, Middle Americans, derided by the condescending, know-it-all liberal elites.

I must confess that I am tempted to agree with the Williams view of this affair – the way she glanced at her hand in the Q&A session was perhaps a little too obvious? She possibly knew the media would take the bait – and they did, including the London Daily Telegraph’s ponderous hack Toby Harnden, the UK’s leading purveyor of Palin “airhead” graffiti (how I wish I had his job – paid a fat salary just to regurgitate WaPo and NYT talking points…)

Then the President’s Press Secretary, Robert Gibb got in on the act with his own feeble imitation which did nothing to undermine Palin but was in effect a public declaration of how much she is getting under Obama’s skin…

Thus the White House became a vehicle for Palin’s narrative of the snooty elites who think they’re better than average Americans.
Palin is a brilliant strategist. First, note that I just repeated Palin’s key talking points: Palin has even us fellow travelers at The Huffington Post repeating, “Energy, Taxes, Lift American Spirits.” Talk about earned media.

I know it’s painful but it’s worth entering Arianna’s dark and brooding mansion just to read the rest of it here….you won’t agree with everything but it is surprisingly honest….

h/t Susan W of Team Sarah

posted by david in Uncategorized and have Comments (6)

6 Responses to “Be Careful When Playing Chess with Sarah Palin…says HuffPo?”

  1. ReaganTMan says:

    Very interesting take. I think Palin is smart. I will rhetorically chop the head off of anyone who takes a pot shot at her. But if she did the hand thing on purpose, I’m even more impressed. There were times when even I, an ardent Palin supporter, have even been made to question my own view of her intelligence (I’m already biased and if she’s smarter than I think she is, than that’s something) by stuff she’s done. If this was a plan by her, I’d be blown away. There would be no way that I could find a higher level to turn up the volume. For me, Palin is already on 11. We may need to add a 12 to the dial.

  2. Milton says:

    I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, what a hypocrite. Palin’s hand job just shows all of us what kind of dullard we are up against, I have not seen this since junior high. She is so perfect for “Fake News”. WOW and some call her a leader….please.

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by Pepper_10: RT @TheAgedP: HuffPo suggesting Palin might be…..clever???

  4. david says:

    Yes – such a dullard she can’t even spell teleprompters……hey, wait a minute……..

  5. Мде

    Верный ответ…

  6. Kylie Batt says:

    Я думаю, что Вы не правы. Я уверен. Могу отстоять свою позицию. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемся….

    Addressing the Tea Party, Sarah Palin wrote three notes on her hand: “Energy, Taxes, […….


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