The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

UK Banks To Taxpayers: “Thanks For The Money, Idiots….”

Here’s an idea for all those American banks, insurance companies, car manufacturers, unions and ACORN type organisations that have benefited from the money taken out of taxpayers pockets and given to them by those caring, sharing politicians who love to spend other people’s money.

Like the incompetent British banks bailed out by UK taxpayers they could offer an appropriate “free gift” to everyone as a token of thanks for helping the bosses who caused the problems to maintain their six/seven figure lifestyles.

A gift that (according to this joke e mail currently doing the rounds) encapsulates the essence of the relationship between the banks and their ordinary, everyday customer….

Banks are offering a FREE pencil sharpener in gratitude for the 36 billion profit they made from us last year.

It’s designed to remind us of the friendly, intimate relationship the banks have built up with the British public since the credit crunch.  

Just call into any branch.  There’s a small collection fee of £36.50 (to cover admin and market fluctuations) plus a delivery charge of £17.35. 

 What great value…….

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