The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Palin & Mama Grizzlies – UK Guardian Uses Tammy Bruce, Telegraph Uses It’s Own Tired Hack….

On the very day the liberal/left UK Guardian, to it’s credit, gave a platform to US right wing and pro Tea Party and pro Palin media star Tammy Bruce the so called conservative UK Telegraph gave the nod to their US based hack Alex Spillius to sneer at Palin for her Tweet mistake which she corrected ten minutes later. He then used this as a hook to question her suitability for office and linked this to so-called “gaffes” by Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell. The implication was that the two Tea Party endorsed GOP candidates, dubbed “Mama Grizzlies” by Palin, were just too dense for higher politics and such mistakes would not be made by the Republican “reliables” favoured by the Beltway strategists, consultants and lobbyists  who are messing their pants at the prospect of a new wave of deficit reducing, pork busting small government radicals ready and eager to clean up Washington.

Notice that the eagle eyed Spillius just missed out an an even bigger Palin gaffe that sent scores of liberal/left US tweeters howling with derision – the ‘Cudah’s cry to party like 1773 at a Tea Party/Angle rally in Nevada. They scoffed, Spillius-like, at her “ignorance” assuming she had meant to say 1776 (the year of the US Declaration of Independence)…what the missed, however, was that she was referencing, at a Tea Party rally, the year of the Boston Tea Party….1773.

The counter attack was withering – the best takedown was at the Perfunction Blog where lots of kind people noticed that the leading left wing blogger, Markos Moulitsas, founder of The Daily Kos had led and orchestrated the anti Palin sneers. Twitter has since been swamped by #KosHistoryQuiz where helpful hints were suggested to Markos as guidelines for his understanding of US history.

But nothing of this from Spillius.

It appears that the powers that be at the Telegraph look more towards David Brooks than Sarah Palin for their definition of “the Right Stuff” and Spillius is dancing to their tune. If so then then maybe of of the comments following the piece has possibly hit the nail on the head…

Question is more is Alex Spillius ready for prime time election reporting than are the prime time grizzlies ready for office.

C’mon, Alex! I usually give you a break but this oh-so-studied “bad cop’ routine is getting old. You no longer fool anybody. Well, at least you no longer fool me.

posted by david in Uncategorized and have Comment (1)

One Response to “Palin & Mama Grizzlies – UK Guardian Uses Tammy Bruce, Telegraph Uses It’s Own Tired Hack….”

  1. […] to my post yesterday about the rather odd political perambulations of the UK Telegraph, owned by the  Barclay […]


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