The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….


Alexandra Gutierrez, a left wing hack from Alaska, has been inducted into a highly selective Hall of Fame – but first some background……

Liberal website Slate needed a local take on the Alaska GOP Senate primary so they hired Alexandra Gutierrez, news director at KUCB, a non commercial Alaskan radio station to do some good, old fashioned shoe leather research. They reasoned that her background knowledge and contacts would provide a better feel for the way the race was going .

Alexandra didn’t disappoint. She cut to the chase by tracking down Ivan Moore, an independent pollster based in Anchorage and asking him his assessment of the contest between the Palin/Tea Party endorsed outsider Joe Miller and the incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Moore’s polling predicted that Miller was heading for a crushing defeat and the reasons were crystal clear. According to Moore Miller was being dragged down by his association with the Tea Party

“From the very beginning, he has positioned himself so far to the right of the ideological spectrum and attached himself to the Tea Party movement, which even in Alaska is perceived as being a pretty extreme right organization,”

But for Moore the biggest drag anchor was the Palin endorsement. Polling consistently showed that Alaskans did not think much of Palin, said Moore.

“When someone with those kinds of numbers endorses someone for public office, believe me, the effect is on the whole negative,”

Gutierrez agreed with that appraisal. In a separate article for “Prospect” she dismissed Palin as yesterday’s woman.

As Sarah Palin works to become nearly ubiquitous in the Lower 48, many of her former supporters in Alaska are trying just as hard to forget her. When Joe Miller loses the primary today, hardly anyone in Alaska will be surprised that Palin’s chosen candidate did poorly. Palin’s influence in the state started to slip when she agreed to be John McCain’s running mate in August 2008, and it only eroded further when she resigned as governor last July. Now, Palin is mostly a reality TV nuisance in the very state she’s always gushing about.

So Gutierrez came up with a punchy headline for her Slate article


Whoops…..what a banana skin!

And the selective Hall of Fame?  Right beside Arthur Sears Henning, Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune in 1948 – DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN – and  Mohammed Saeed al-Sahar, Saddam Hussein’s Minister of Information in 2003 –    THERE ARE NO AMERICAN INFIDELS IN BAGHDAD. NEVER!

Oh and here’s a suggestion for Slate. Next time you want a prediction don’t waste a few hundred dollars on some hack from The American Prospect (“A fresh voice of committed, thoughtful, practical liberalism” – Sen. Ted Kennedy)….just do it the Roman way. Kill a chicken and look at it’s liver……..

posted by david in Uncategorized and have Comments (3)

3 Responses to ““WHY MILLER WILL LOSE” ranks with “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN””

  1. Brew says:

    “As Sarah Palin works to become nearly ubiquitous in the Lower 48, many of her former supporters in Alaska are trying just as hard to forget her. When Joe Miller loses the primary today, hardly anyone in Alaska will be surprised that Palin’s chosen candidate did poorly.”

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ….. inhale …. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ….. inhale …. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ….. inhale …. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ….. inhale …. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ….. inhale.

    Stop it, you’re killing me.

  2. MApelbaum says:

    Ha ha

  3. Craig says:

    Alexandra’s Twitter commentary is hilarious too.
    She tweeted like a canary all through the primary, clinging on to tiny glimmers of hope that Moore would lose even as the counting was underway. Then…silence!!

    Ha ha


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