The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Obama’s Oil Spill Hype Machine Overheats…..

Obama: the BP oil spill is “the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced” 
Since April 20th – Animals found dead and covered in oil: 1,296 birds (1% of the number found in Exxon Valdez oil spill, Alaska 1989),17 sea turtles,3 dolphins

Since April 20th – Animals found dead but not covered in oil: 1,675 birds, 82 turtles, 53 dolphins

the oil will destroy fewer marshes than the airboats deployed to clean up the oil.

the spill prompted harsh restrictions on fishing and shrimping, but so far, the region’s fish and shrimp have tested clean

Media hacks eager to send back pictures of suffering wildlife are complaining about having nothing to photograph and/or report. Clean up personnel are spending more time looking for something to clean than actual cleaning.  It was known right from the start that this was light crude oil and, since the Gulf has experienced many natural oil seepages over several millennia, it is teeming with oil eating microbes.

This spill is the equivalent of less than a drop in an Olympic-sized swimming pool. For all but a tiny bit of the Gulf, it will be back to normal within a year.
The beaches will be normal before Christmas, fishing will be back in two months and the shellfish industry in two years. It’s not that the oysters and clams are poisonous, it’s just that they won’t taste very nice.

Could it be that the dangers of the spill were exaggerated by both politicians and the media?
Surely that cannot be true.
Why on earth would they want to do that?

Also – why isn’t the US company  running and operating the rig that was crippled by an explosion that killed eleven men receiving as much heat from Obama and his Democrat dominated Congress?

Could it be that there is more political mileage in grandstanding against a British company whose HQ is in England than publicly humiliating an American company based in Switzerland?

I think we should be told……..

posted by david in Uncategorized and have Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Obama’s Oil Spill Hype Machine Overheats…..”

  1. hinckleybuzzard says:

    Observations and conclusions drawn some time ago on Prudence dictated skepticism, especially after the feds forbade any reporters from getting near the coast (“nothing to see here, move on.”)

  2. […] the rest of this great post here Comments (0)    Posted in Oil Spill   […]


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