The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Archive for August, 2014

Closing Down For August…..


That’s all for this month, folks…..back in September when the battle starts up again. Have a good holiday…….



H/T for beach pic


posted by david in Personal and have Comments Off on Closing Down For August…..

LibLabCon Getting Nervous Because UKIP Hasn’t Gone Away…..

As the country closes down for August there is one little factoid that our fearless media have somehow “missed” (I wonder why?…lol..)


Yup, despite all the efforts of those bright young things (and the bright not so young things) at the Telegraph and Times and the cut and paste hacks at the Mail The YouGov monthly average over the 18 months since January 2013 shows support for UKIP steady and firm at around 12/14%. Remember the Labour bean counters who reckoned even without winning a seat a 9% UKIP vote could siphon off enough numbers from the Tories to lose them several key marginals? Remember the recent Ashcroft poll that suggested the possibility of UKIP slipping out in front in some seats where Lab and Con are neck and neck on 30% each?

BTW – don’t just take my word for it….read what this leading electoral academic has to say…

All of them, the political class and the media class are very very nervous about all this. It just doesn’t fit into their cosy world view….there’s a whiff of Wat Tyler in the air – and a bloody good job, say I….

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posted by david in UK Politics and have Comments Off on LibLabCon Getting Nervous Because UKIP Hasn’t Gone Away…..

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