The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

I’m Not So Convinced That Campaigning/Lobbying Should Be Regarded As Charitable Work…

“Campaigning Charities” like the Tax Payers Alliance and The League Against Cruel Sports are extrememly upset by the proposed Lobbying Bill according to Mark Wallace who has worked for several “Campaigning Charities” including the TPA.. As a result lots of them are so upset they have briefly put aside their differences to campaign against the bill.

Fortunately not every reader of his article felt convinced by his sob story and I thought this one hit the nail squarely on the head.

I have no objection to people campaigning. I do object to taxpayer funding for fake charities – something that should be addressed by ensuring that such organisations are not allowed the privilege of charitable status as an enhancement of their credibility.


Charitable status should only be reserved for those organisations which actually use donations to provide a service rather than outwork for PR consultants and contacts for advertising agencies

I’m a great supporter of the work done by the TPA. But I certainly don’t see why I, as a taxpayer, should help subsidise its staffing and campaigning. In fact the whole notion of a Charity Industry makes me very nervous about motives….

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