The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Politicians & Other Busybodies – just STFU on what we should be doing in our spare time……

You just know that David Cameron and/or another government minister will not be able to resist this one

Lord Wei said working part-time, volunteering for charities, or sharing their business experience with young entrepreneurs would help older people avoid boredom in retirement.
A pilot project is being established to develop the “national retirement service” concept, which would begin by targeting new pensioners on cruises, or other holidays and leisure activities.
They would then be encouraged to make contact with others in the same age group living nearby to discuss what to do with the years ahead.
Lord Wei’s plan could win support in government as ministers are sympathetic to moves to encourage older people to volunteer in retirement.

Just like the previous Blair/Brown Labour regime the Cameron/Clegg coalition loves this sort of wheeze. They simply cannot help telling what we should be doing.

Well, here’s a suggestion for Lord Wei, Prince Charles, Cameron, Clegg, Milliband and all the other busybody, pokenoses who are so eager to fill up our spare time with projects and initiatives…


1. Cut taxes
2. Sort out the banks
3. Tell the European court of human rights to go to hell
4. Clamp down on illegal immigration
5. Increase prison sentences for violent criminals
6. Cut foreign aid
7. End subsidies for wind farms

…and leave us alone to decide on what we do in our spare time…

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