The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

I Want A Government That Does Only A Few Things – And Does Them Well….

I really don’t care about the “human rights” of a terrorist or one who advocates terror.

I can think of better ways of improving our transport infrastructure than spending billions on a high speed rail system that won’t be fully operational until 2032

I don’t see why my gas and electricity bill should be higher in order to pay for wind farms that blight the landscape and are so unreliable they have to be backed up with alternative energies when the weather is calm

If I were in government “gay marriage” would not be top of my agenda. In fact it wouldn’t be item 999 on my agenda

I do not expect a “conservative” government to be taking money out of the pockets of poor people in Britain so that it can end up in the Swiss bank accounts of rich people from third world countries

Neither do I want a “conservative” government to waste time and money on “initiatives” to tell me what to eat and drink and how to be a jolly good chap

I am not impressed by plump faced, well heeled privately educated politicians from Oxbridge who have never held down a real job pretending to be “right on” while prancing around in shirt sleeves for silly photo ops

We have too much debt. We pay too-high taxes. We build too few houses. We are losing old jobs and costs prevent us creating new ones. We are having a bad time, and we want the people who rule us to lead us out of that, and think of little else. It is simple, but not easy.

Why oh why can’t we have a set of politicians who throw all their energies into that and NOTHING ELSE!!!!!

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